Upon their first meeting, it looked like Barton and Charlie were to be one of the great duos of the Coen brothers' films, but Barton was rude and dismissive of Charlie and that could possibly be the origin of Mundt's rage. Mundt's killing of Audrey could have been chalked up to simple malice, but Mundt's murders afterward seemed to suggest a pattern. Mundt's motivation to kill Audrey wasn't quite clear, but it put Barton in a difficult position nevertheless.
A further twist came when it was revealed that Charlie Meadows was actually the murderer, and the man that Barton thought he knew was actually a savage serial killer. The mid-movie twist of Audrey Taylor's (Judy Davis) murder switched Barton Fink into an entirely different gear and helped it stand out as one of the Coens' darkest black comedies.
Of Goodman's Coen brothers' movie roles, the dual personality of Charlie Meadows and Karl "Mad Man" Mundt was perhaps his best and showed off the tremendous range of the lovable actor.

Dazed, and with Mundt's package still in hand, Fink wandered to the beach where he met the woman he had seen in the photograph in his hotel room. He was then informed that he would remain under contract, but that his work would never be produced unless he could improve. Fink then arrived at his meeting with the studio heads, and this script was torn apart for being too sentimental. Fink attempted to call his family members but received no answer.

Suddenly, the building was engulfed in flame and Mundt murdered the two detectives with a shotgun before informing Barton that he had visited his family in New York. Mayhew (John Mahoney) let Fink and the detectives know that Mundt, one of the Coens' most dangerous villains, was back in Los Angeles, and they suspected Fink was his accomplice. Fink then spent a night on the town to celebrate his finished script draft before returning to his room to find the detectives were once again back to question him. With everything crashing down around him and with his deadline looming, Barton Fink (John Turturro) was suddenly hit with a wave of inspiration following the knowledge that the package left for him by Karl Mundt (John Goodman) possibly contained a severed head.